When I first started calling my mother with cute stories about the kids, she remarked on how incredible it is to see the world through a child's eyes. And it really is incredible. Each one of these amazing children has a different insight into every situation, every new experience.
The Gorgeous Miss Rianna having fun at the park |
Rianna is very deliberate; she's a thinker. She's the one who asks the questions that you don't quite know how to answer. Her thirst for knowledge is refreshing in today's world of television and materialism. Part of her constant deliberation is that she moves very slowly; getting this little girl to eat a meal in a timely manner is pretty close to impossible. But you can always see the wheels in her mind turning. She pays attention to everything... we all went out to eat at a Chinese buffet a couple weeks ago and the hostess asked how old the children were. Without missing a beat she pointed at each of us and said "Four, Six, Eight, Twenty-three and Thirty-six." :)
Gjorde is very adamant that he is NOT, in fact, Spiderman... but I think this proves otherwise. |
Gjorde is the one who constantly reminds me that patience is key. Not because he requires a lot of it--far from it--but rather because he is so patient himself. He never wants to step on any toes, and he is very understanding about the mistakes of others. For such a little guy, his heart is so big, and he is always the first to give you a hug or a kiss when you really need it, because he just knows. He loves superheroes, and that's always how he plays. He doesn't realize it now, but he doesn't need to pretend to be a superhero when he plays; he already is a superhero in real life.
Alie is always laughing :) She keeps things lighthearted. |
Alie has a heart for animals and a talent for comedy. She's always quick with a witty remark, a funny face, or a song that she's made up on the spot about whatever is on her mind. The way that she pronounces things is incredibly precious. A door is a "doy" and a horse is a "hoyse". She gave Rianna her nickname, Nana, and she pronounces Gjorde's name as "Joy-dee". She's definitely four, and thus even when she is wrong she is right. It's important in this household to recognize that Invader Zim is actually called Vader 'n Zim, and Hannah Montana is called Hanna 'n Tana because "she's TWO gulls".
I know that someday I will have a little one of my own with Kris, and that child will have a whole new perspective for me to see the world through. Each of these perspectives has enriched my own view of the world, and now that they are in my life I cannot imagine my life without them. Being a part of this family is the most precious opportunity I've ever been offered. I absolutely love my life and all of these amazing people that I get to share it with.
Love (buckets and buckets of it),